Gerns Wedding Talk
Good afternoon, and welcome to this, the marriage of David Gerns and Elizabeth Lillywhite.
We are gathered here today to celebrate one of the oldest and most important institutions in human society; the union of a man and a woman in marriage. It is this institution which allows individuals to continue to grow and expand their horizons by uniting themselves to someone with similar goals and ambitions. It is this union which provides a stable atmosphere for us to bring children into the world and to nurture them with the love of a father and a mother. It is this union which provides the means whereby society itself can continue to preserve its culture, traditions and values.
Marriage consists of entrusting our deepest selves into the loving care of another. It is a public and legal act, but it is even more so a private and spiritual act. Just as the public aspect of marriage is a thing that is demonstrated on a daily basis, so should the spiritual aspect of marriage. A couple who is legally and lawfully wed should continually renew their spiritual commitment to one another through daily acts of consideration, kindness and love. By so doing, they purify themselves individually, uplift one another as a couple, and discover what I believe is the greatest joy a person can know.
As stated by Sir John Bowring: "A happy family is but an earlier Heaven." Your most profound happiness can be found within your commitment to one another and to the children who may follow. I have experienced this myself, and can assure you that the happiest and most satisfying moments of my life have come within the framework of my family.
That being said, we must also be aware that there are many challenges to happiness in marriage. The cares of the world and the need to function within society will sometimes create stress which might be brought into the home. The physical nature of our bodies may occasionally wear us down and make us less patient and tolerant. Your constant interaction with one another will provide opportunities for discussion and occasional disagreements. Although these challenges and many others may come to you in your married life, they can be assimilated and overcome if you remember a few important things.
Never, ever, go to bed angry. Any problem or issue between you should not be allowed to fester, but should be addressed promptly and resolved without animosity. Doing this requires that we put the interests of our spouse and of our marriage ahead of our own sometimes. If you are patient, if you are kind, and most of all, if you are selfless, you will find that the rewards that come your way through united happiness are far greater than any seeming sacrifice that you will make.
Make your spouse the most important thing in your life. We all have hobbies or outside interests and these are good things. But, these outside interests should never take precedence over our spouses. Rather, they should be the kinds of things that make us better people for our spouses. Keep foremost in your mind who is the center of your universe and demonstrate it by your daily actions.
Remember what brought you to this point. As you courted each other, you did certain things which brought you closer together. Once you are legally married, the courtship should not come to an end. Continue to say and do those little things that will make your spouse happy. Continue to bring one another flowers or tokens of affection. Continue to date on a regular basis. Make your marriage a long and loving courtship.
And now the time has come for which we are all gathered here today.
Please take each other by the right hand.